Guidelines for Clients
To keep us all safe, we kindly ask you all to follow these guidelines:
Stay home if you have any of the following symptoms:
High temperature or fever, a new continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than an hour or three episodes of coughing in 24 hours), or the sudden loss or change in your sense of taste and smell. If you live with someone exhibiting these symptoms or has had a positive covid test also please stay at home.
Book your class beforehand
Reserve your class in advance as there will be limited numbers. Additionally, you will be required to complete a Covid screen questionnaire on booking
Please only bring what is essential e.g. phone, keys, purse/wallet, and leave everything else in your car, to minimise cross-contamination.
Please bring your own mat, cushions and props. No equipment will be provided.
Please wear a face covering or mask as you enter the building. You may then remove it when the class starts. There is no requirement to wear a mask while you are exercising, however, if you would prefer to wear one, you are very welcome to do so.
Please enter one client at a time, if the lobby area is clear. Also please leave immediately after your class ends.
Use the hand sanitiser and/or handwashing facilities
Make sure to wash or santise your hands when you walk in and use santisier if you need to leave to use the bathroom, both on leaving and re-entering the studio. Obviously, please wash your hands after you’ve used the bathroom.
Please keep your distance from other users in the studio. Enter one at a time, ensuring that you maintain a 2m distance from other users. When you enter the studio, move towards the furthest away marker, and place your mat down. When leaving the studio, leave one at a time, ensuring only one client in the lobby area at a time.
Non Touch policy during group classes
Your instructor is required to keep a 2m distance, so will be unable to offer hands-on corrections or adjustments.
Cleaning in between classes
An enhanced cleaning program (including floor cleaning) is in place before, between and after classes, to ensure a safe environment for all.